• Traditional Massage

    Our therapists are trained in a variety of massage techniques including Therapeutic, Sports Massage and Prenatal. Treat yourself to a relaxing and healing experience!

    90 Min: $110 / 1 Hour: $85 / 30 Min: $45

  • Authentic Thai Massage

    Try out this centuries-old technique featuring passive stretching that helps to open up the body, increase flexibility and relieve tension within the joints and the muscles.

    120 Min: $180 / 90 Min: $120 / 75 Min: $85

  • Reiki Therapy

    Reiki therapy opens up an energy channel between the practitioner and the patient. Reiki practitioners use a technique called palm healing or hands-on healing through which a "universal energy" is said to be transferred through the palms of the practitioner to the patient in order to encourage emotional or physical healing.

    120 Min: $180 / 90 Min: $120 / 75 Min: $85

  • Tandem Massage with Reiki

    The Tandem Massage provides TWO, highly skilled, experienced therapists working together in a choreographed manner to heighten your massage experience! Authentic Thai massage includes yoga stretching PLUS Reiki Energy Healing to help with chakra centers and energy blockages.

    90 Min: $199 / 120 Min: $269